How to Ensure Long-Term Job Retention

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A staggering 1.3 million US residents currently struggle with long-term unemployment. That’s a 2019 published stat from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, so it’s legit.

Although unemployment rates are the lowest they’ve been for decades (3.5% versus 4% at the beginning of the year), we are still seeing:

- Major economic strain
- Mass layoffs
- Inequality when it comes to hiring and firing decisions

I have spoken with thousands of job seekers, and I hear the same thing again and again, “Amy, I don’t know why I lost my job. I thought I was doing everything right.” 

I know that it is not only hard to get a job, but it’s also equally as tricky to keep your job through these changing times. The key: STAY RELEVANT.  

Now, I know your next question is how. So here you are; some of my hottest tips:

1. Offer Innovative Ideas.

Is your organization looking to make a broad sweep to save costs? Then, keep your eye out and present cost savings options. This will position you as an ally of the organization, showing your boss that you care about the bottom line.

Offer up some ideas such as - online meeting schedulers, shared document platforms, or introducing project management apps such as that save time and dollars. 

Plus! You can add these cost-savings results onto your resume, as this shows great initiative.

2. Take on New Projects.

If you work for a smaller company, offer to head up their social media or improve their LinkedIn company page. 

If you work for a large company, ask to be partnered on a project with a major client or let your boss know that you aren’t afraid to take on some cold calling time to drum up more business. 

Taking added coursework and further educating yourself is another excellent way to show that you are fully immersed in your job.

3. Good Vibes Only.

There is being positive, and then there is being annoying – positivity can be a fine line! Be approachable, ask questions, and offer help. 

Being likable is a huge factor when it comes to keeping your job. Look what happens to celebrities when they fall out of favor. Poof – gone! Their show is canceled. They grow a beard and lurk in the shadows. 

Just avoid being a people-pleaser. You want to be respected, not a doormat.

4. Make Everyone’s Job Easier.

When was the last time you asked, “How can I support you?” This magical question immediately makes others feel at ease and, when used in the workplace, shows that you care and are capable. 

Improve the performance of others! Easing the lives of others is a wonderful way to improve their performance while showing your unrelenting team-based mentality.

5. Keep Track of Successes.

When you have your performance reviews, look back on your successes and bring up each way that you have made a positive impact on the company. 

Fill your boss’ brains with all the reasons why you are a change agent, and what the direct cause was of your hard work and innovation. 

Be sure to add these successes to your LinkedIn profile and your resume. You want to be prepared with actionable and tangible answers at all times. 

I’ll leave you with a nugget of excellent advice from Joshua Lee, a strategic growth coach and CEO/Founder of StandOut Authority:

“I look for people who are completing their assignments and asking what that next task is going to be. They help their colleagues instead of stepping on them in their climb up the ladder. I love to promote people on my team who raise the performance of everybody around them.” 

Remain relevant in your role by being authentically you, and always a step ahead.
